What this blog is.... representative of my own views and experiences relating to the management and usage of data

What this blog is not...representative of the views of any employer or technology vendor (and it's not a place to find code either)

All views are my own...unless I switch on comments in which case those are yours!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

The first SELECT FROM WHERE blog post

So, this is it, the first post on my latest foray into blogging. I've broken the habit since changing jobs over a year ago. Guess I must have missed it but what to talk about first? How to break the ice?

Let's keep it simple - why SELECT FROM WHERE?

Three reasons spring to mind:

1- SELECT FROM WHERE was the probably the first and most important concept I 'got' in information technology that opened up my mind to the possibility I might be able to build a career in that field and these three SQL building blocks have remained at the core of every project I've been involved with since.

2 - Perhaps the above had something to do with SFW being my initials?

3 - It was originally just going to be acronymised to SFW because it absolutely is safe for work but then I began to worry that people would start thinking there was an NSFW version somewhere and all the connotations that would bring.  Classic.  Metadata.  Issue.

OK, that seemed straightforward enough.  What about what's the aim of the blog?  In another handy three point list?

1 - SELECT interesting themes, articles and software

2 - FROM a variety of sources be they my personal experiences (no names here though!), other bloggers (see the list to the left), journals and books

3 - WHERE the topics are related to the management and usage of data. Initially this is going to most likely focus on issues of data quality and profiling as that's where my current career focus is but I'm not going to narrow myself to that long term.  I'm certain to go back to Business Intelligence, Reporting and Analytics at some point - that stuff is all too interesting to stay away from for long.

And that's that...the first post.  More to follow.  Thanks for reading.


  1. Hi Stuart. Good intro. I look forward to hearing more from you. Kenny

  2. Cheers Kenneth, no pressure then! ;-)

  3. Good one. Interested in further reading.

  4. Hi Stuart. Interesting start. Keep blogging.

    1. Thanks Aniket...good to hear from you...thinking of blogging yourself?
